First of all we would like to thank all our loyal clients for being patient during the pandemic. We appreciate you all! 

For the safety of all our clients and tattoo artists we already have strict protocols in place regarding decontamination and prevention of cross-contamination and our tattoo artists are industry-certified with our certificates on display at the shop. As well, the government of Quebec with the CNESST has put in place certain extra protocols for both the clients and the shop that must be followed at all times until further notice. In summary for clients these are:

  1. If you have any symptoms or live with anyone who has symptoms and/or tested positive for COVID-19 please cancel your appointment and rebook it once you have been cleared by a medical professional. 
  2. You must arrive alone for your appointment. Whether for a consultation or a tattoo session no extra visitors will be admitted to the shop. 
  3. You must wear a mask at all times in the shop, either homemade or disposable. You will not be allowed in the shop without a mask. We will try to supply disposable masks if they are available but with supply shortages we can’t guarantee we will have one for you. 
  4. You must maintain a distance of 2 metres at all times from everyone else in the shop except when unavoidable during the tattoo session. 

Thank you all for your cooperation, if you have any questions or concerns before your appointment don’t hesitate to call us during business hours at 438-523-7953.

For more info on the protocols put in place by the CNESST please visit their site at